We need your help!
We are staffed entirely by volunteers. That means we're everyday folks just like you—working jobs, taking care of families, and setting aside time to rescue homeless hounds. We can ALWAYS use more help!
Some rescue "jobs" are great fun, some are rather tedious, and others are downright heartbreaking. We need it all, though, and you can be absolutely certain that your efforts will directly impact the health and happiness of a hound in need.
If you'd like to get involved, please complete our convenient application form. Our volunteer coordinator will review your application and contact you as soon as possible.
Not sure what to do? Here are just a few suggestions:
Foster a rescued Basset hound until a new forever home can be found.
Provide transportation for Bassets needing rides to foster homes, vet appointments, and rescue events.
Help with fundraising and grant applications.
Assist with various aspects of event planning.
Man the booth (and/or help set up and take down) at various BBR events.
Make phone calls (veterinary reference checks before adoption and follow-up calls to adoptive families).
Conduct home visits for potential adopters.
Write or solicit articles for our website and newsletter.
Of course, if you're interested in volunteering in another capacity, please let us know!